Environmental Portrait and Mug Shot

Doug Eldon organizes the sweet potatoes to create a more flattering aesthetic and attract more customers. Eldon has been working for Denison Farms for decades, running the market on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Doug Eldon constantly changes how things are organized on the farm truck to ensure efficiency when unloading and loading everything needed for a successful market. Whether rain, shine, wind, or extreme temperatures, Eldon has everything needed to accommodate for different weather situations, including foot warmers for coworkers.

Doug Eldon works for Denison Farms and is best known for his superb organization and friendly personality at the Corvallis farmers market. Eldon previously worked as a math teacher and at a grocery store, which helped him develop skills and gather knowledge that has benefit the flow of market day now. The best environment to shoot Eldon in is at the market with the booth or busy street in the background. The props that work best for this shot are produce they have the week of the shoot. Because I work with him, I plan on asking him during our booth set up if he would be willing to be my subject during a less busy time during the market hours. A tip I plan to use that I learned from the "Shooting Stars" video is interacting with them to make them feel relaxed and comfortable, leading to a more realistic photo.

Another person I was considering contacting just in case Doug Eldon was not interested is Carrie Bernard. She is the children's ministry leader for Grant Avenue Baptist Church. I would pose her in the children's ministry building, preferably in one of the classrooms with artwork and toys in the background. Some props I could use would be one of the superhero capes, some plastic food from the kitchen set, or her 2-year-old nephew. I would reach out to her through Facebook to set up an appointment. A tip I would use from the "Shooting Stars" video would be directing the nose towards the light, which helps decrease shadows on the face.


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